IJAN Update -- January 2019
IJAN Update -- January 2019
Sign the Gag Order Petition
Iman Jamil al-Amin (f/k/a H. Rap Brown) has been hounded for more than 50 years for his ability to Speak Truth to the wrong, oppression and injustice suffered by humanity; especially the millions of descendants of the African Slave Trade in the US -- the economic foundation of this country. Since the false charges in 2000, he has been denied his human & civil right to speak.

Imam Jamil's character & principled life is a Light for Justice -- for All the oppressed: Enjoining the Good, Opposing all Wrong. He is a link between the Black community & the Muslim community and the link of Justice for All Humanity. He stands for unity of the entire Muslim community! He, like many other Freedom Fights from the 1960s, has been hounded ever since -- from the US government's COINTELPRO attacks then to their continues languishing in US prisons today. Imam Jamil has spent all his adult life standing for human good and against oppression; From building Unity between street organizations at Peace Summits across the country, to peace in West End Atlanta; Speaking Truth to Power from Alabama, and in the global arena, his life embodies Malcom X: "I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against."
SIGN THE PETITION: kundnani.org/imam