Take Action
Support HR-2998: Release the COINTELPRO Papers

and Martin Luther King Jr:
Final Report of the Select
Committee To Study
Governmental Operations
With Respect to Intelligence
(Church Committee)
The FBI’s COINTELPRO remains one of the darkest chapters in our nation’s history. For decades, the FBI carried out covert actions and dirty tricks against social movements. COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) included among the program’s many targets, organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the anti-Vietnam War movement, and individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr, as well as local, state, and federal elected officials.
There’s a bill in Congress that will open up the FBI’s files. HR 2998 would require full, public release of the FBI’s COINTELPRO files. This historic bill is an important step to reconciling with the FBI’s continued legacy of undemocratic abuses of power.
Please help us make history and expose FBI dirty tricks. Please write your member of Congress today to ask them to support this bill and to support efforts to broaden it to cover the full scope of FBI files.
Follow the read more link for sample scripts from which you can adapt your emails and phone calls to Congressional offices.
Report Back and Virtual Forum: International Jurists find US Guilty of Genocide
Imam Jamil Action Network-IJAN is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Spirit of Mandela Tribunal & National Million Woman March We Charge Genocide Follow Up Forum
Time: Dec 18, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Join Us As We File Our Petition to the Conviction Integrity Unit in Celebration of Imam Jamil's 78th Birthday

Help Us File 78,000 Signatures with the Fulton County Conviction Integrity Unit!
Imam Jamil Al-Amin has been wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for over 21 year for a crime he did not commit. He did not fit the description of the accused. James Santos confessed to the crime and fit the description. Imam Jamil is innocent.
Monday Oct 4, 2021
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Fulton County Justice Center, Atlanta, GA 30303
See FB Event or Free Imam... on Eventbrite 4. RSVP Details. Parking. Carpooling. MARTA.
14 More Things You can Do for Imam Jamil Al-Amin
14 More Things You can Do for Imam Jamil Al-Amin
There are several ways you can work for Imam Jamil's freedom and dignity, whether you are an individual or a group of people. The most important thing is to try to do what each of us can consistently. Here is a list of ideas:
1. Make Dua (a Prayer)