IJAN Update -- July 2019
IJAN Update -- July 2019
Imam Jamil Health Reported Stable; Sends His Greetings
Brother Kairi Al-Amin, Imam Jamil and Sis. Karima Al-Amin’s son, has reported that Imam Jamil’s health is stable. He traveled the more than 1,700 miles to visit Imam Jamil this month. While a trip had been planned, this one also took place after reports flashed across the country that Imam Jamil (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) had suffered a stroke. And, as Kairi says, “as always, The Imam sends his salaams.”

We know Imam Jamil continues to face and fight several health issues, given the Bureau of Prisons’ apparent policy of neglect & at times outright refusal to provide adequate medical treatment against political prisoners: Execution By Medical Neglect.
Speak Out For Justice
Meanwhile supporters are gathering Friday, July 26, 4pm in Atlanta’s CNN Plaza to demonstrate support for Imam Jamil, calling for his release in this 19th year of imprisonment. The demonstration immediately follows the Friday prayers opening the 36th Annual Riyaadah (gathering of Imam Jamil’s community, the National Jammat, or Al Ummah) being held this year in Atlanta. The action is being co-sponsored by the Aafia Foundation, led by Bro. Al Hajj Mauri Saalakhan and the Imam Jamil Action Network (IJAN). IJAN also sponsoring workshops literature tables and updates on work to free Imam Jamil throughout the Riyaadah.
Execution By Medical Neglect
Show Your Support! Keep Sending Greeting Cards to Imam Jamil!
JAMIL AL-AMIN, #99974-555, USP Tucson, U.S. Penitentiary, P.O.Box 24550, Tucson, AZ 85734
Sign The Gag Order Petition: “Its A Government Conspiracy”
Imam Jamil has been hounded for over 40 years for his ability to speak to the wrong; against oppression and injustice
inflicted upon humanity, especially the millions of descendants of the African Slave Trade - that built this country. This is why the U.S. has Gagged his most powerful weapon. He has been denied his human and civil rights to speak. During his trial, the judge placed a Gag Order against him speaking. After the wrongful conviction, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons has continued to refuse to allow academics and journalists to interview him.
END The Gag Order. Sign The Petition kundnani.org/imam Jamil