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IJAN Update September-December 2023
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Dec. 8, 2023 | 24 Jumada al-Ula, 1445
Imam Jamil’s Stance on Palestine and Rashida Tlaib
In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful.
Over these past months, we have yet again been witness to atrocities committed by the Zionist occupation, against Palestine and its people. Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin declares to the world that he stands with the people of Palestine, and against its destruction caused by any and all outside forces or policies.
Also brought to the attention of Imam Jamil, was the censoring of Representative Rashida Tlaib by the House of Representatives for statements she made earlier in November of this year. She is being targeted for daring to support human rights and calling for a ceasefire in response to the barbaric slaughter of, as of Dec. 8 and reported by the Gaza Health Ministry, over 17,177 Palestinian civilians in Gaza, including more than 7,112 children, by the Zionist occupation. Imam Jamil wishes to express the willingness, of himself and his constituents, to be at the service of Representative Tlaib in any capacity she believes may prove instrumental.
Official IJAN Update - March-August, 2023
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An Update on Imam Jamil
We haven't consistently heard from Imam Jamil for a few months because the prison had been on lock down due to a murder. When he did manage to call, it was uncertain how long he would have or if he would be able to call again due to the rolling lock downs during the murder investigations and search for the gun. During one of his calls, Imam Jamil expressed his disapproval of groups like Al-Ummah commercially exploiting his image and likeness without permission. It was particularly concerning since Al-Ummah had reportedly broken its Bay'ah to Imam Jamil without informing the public. He signed off on a letter representing his position.
Imam Jamil had called in during the Riyadah in July in North Carolina. In the call he emphasized that the bedrock of a strong community is in its commitment to Islamic principals. He quoted Umar ibn Khattab, a companion of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), stating, "There is no Islam without community, there is no community without leadership, and there's no leadership without allegiance."
In the limited time available, the Imam left an impactful message for all: adherence to Islamic principles, righteousness, remembrance of the Creator, and good behavior are all determining factors used to take measure of the health and longevity of any community. Just before the Imam’s call ended, he made the request of the Imam Jamil Action Network (IJAN) to officially handle the defense fund.
Official IJAN Quarterly Update - September-November, 2022
Imam Jamil, Give Us Some Information and We’ll Let You Go

The Conviction Integrity Unit recently visited the Imam at the Penitentiary in Tucson. Certain details have been made scarce, however, during the visit, government agents accompanied the unit to make an offer to the Imam. The offer was, give them information, and they would let the Imam go. His reply was that he was gone awhile, so he had no information for them.
The Confession, will it be Televised?
October 4th, 2022, saw a rally in front of the CNN building in Atlanta. The call was for CNN and corporate media in general to air the confession of Otis Jackson, the one who committed the well known shootout. The rally saw a fair turnout and outreach, some police intimidation, and a “promise” from employees at CNN that the confession will be aired. The days leading up the rally, reports were heard that CNN was trying to gain access to interview Otis Jackson in person.
Let the Movement Go Forth
The New Darul Islam Movement has gone international and is now in Africa. Coming in 2023, the Movement once again sponsors the Riyadah, this time to be in New York right after Eidul Adha. Also sponsored by the Movement, the much awaited Boys Camp, coming to William Umstead state park, Raleigh, NC, on Jul 3rd to Jul 9th.
Read More in the Full PDF.
IJAN Update -- March 2022
FBI's Black Identity Extremists is COINTELPRO 2.0
Pass the COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Act HR-2998

Last Spring, a bill forcing the FBI to release publicly millions of pages documenting its destruction, murder, harrassment, disruption and surveillance of movements, organizations and people in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. It was sponsored by Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush. And even though the COINTELPZRO (Counter Intelligence Program) was 'ended' in the mid-70s, its victims across the Black liberation, anti-war, civil rights ranged from Dr. King, Fred Hamption, Imam Jamil, Malcolm X.
In October 2017, the FBI's "Black Identity Extremists" program was discovered, targeted toward anybody for monitoring who desire a "separate Black homeland . . . social institutions, communities, or governing organizations within the United States." Even though it was officially ended in 2019, just like the COINTELPRO years ago, activists from the 2020-2021 Upsurge reacting to the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and others, are being followed, monitored, targeted for harrassment, surveillance and who knows what elese. Exposing the millions of pages documenting COINTELPZRO's crimes is in the interest of this new generation as well as 1960s veterans.
The COINTELPRO Full Disclosure Coalition now has close to 40 organizations endorsing and expanding. On March 25, the coalition launched its first education / action webinar, with 2020 and 1960s activists Dedan Waciuri and Sekou Odinga describing their experiences under attackby the state. Bro. Dedan had just won his case after a defense committee waged a 2-year public defense campaign; Bro. Sekou after suffering torture and abuse by police, endured 30 years imprisonment. Coalition members from Justice For All and Imam Jamil Action Network walked web attendees through how to put calls and letters into congressional representatives' offices.
IJAN Update -- September 2020
IJAN Update -- September 2020
Ever since the video of James Santos (a/k/a Otis Jackson) surfaced in late 2019 confessing to the shooting for which Imam Jamil Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) was wrongfully convicted, the momentum to free him has increased exponentially. And We Need to Keep Our Pedals to the Metal

In January, 2020, the Conviction Integrity Unit was formed in the Fulton Co., GA District Attorney’s Office to review unjust cases. It was formed by Paul Howard, incidentally the same DA who called for Imam Jamil to face the death penalty. Former UN Ambassador and Atlanta Mayor, Andrew Young spoke at the inaugural hearing calling for Imam Jamil’s case to be re-opened .
IJAN Update -- July 2019
IJAN Update -- July 2019
Imam Jamil Health Reported Stable; Sends His Greetings
Brother Kairi Al-Amin, Imam Jamil and Sis. Karima Al-Amin’s son, has reported that Imam Jamil’s health is stable. He traveled the more than 1,700 miles to visit Imam Jamil this month. While a trip had been planned, this one also took place after reports flashed across the country that Imam Jamil (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) had suffered a stroke. And, as Kairi says, “as always, The Imam sends his salaams.”

We know Imam Jamil continues to face and fight several health issues, given the Bureau of Prisons’ apparent policy of neglect & at times outright refusal to provide adequate medical treatment against political prisoners: Execution By Medical Neglect.
Speak Out For Justice
Meanwhile supporters are gathering Friday, July 26, 4pm in Atlanta’s CNN Plaza to demonstrate support for Imam Jamil, calling for his release in this 19th year of imprisonment. The demonstration immediately follows the Friday prayers opening the 36th Annual Riyaadah (gathering of Imam Jamil’s community, the National Jammat, or Al Ummah) being held this year in Atlanta. The action is being co-sponsored by the Aafia Foundation, led by Bro. Al Hajj Mauri Saalakhan and the Imam Jamil Action Network (IJAN). IJAN also sponsoring workshops literature tables and updates on work to free Imam Jamil throughout the Riyaadah.
Execution By Medical Neglect
Show Your Support! Keep Sending Greeting Cards to Imam Jamil!
JAMIL AL-AMIN, #99974-555, USP Tucson, U.S. Penitentiary, P.O.Box 24550, Tucson, AZ 85734
IJAN Update -- June 2019
IJAN Update -- June 2019
We Packed The Courtroom
Supporters of Imam Jamil Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) and journalists packed the courtroom of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals as it heard Oral Arguments Friday, May 3, in Atlanta. This was Imam Jamil ‘s federal appeal case that he has been fighting for 17 years.

Several courts in the U.S. judicial system have admitted that Imam Jamil’s so-called Constitutional Rights (5th & 6th amendments) WERE VIOLATED, BUT that it was harmless because of evidence against him. Outside the courthouse afterwards, supporters, many from outside Atlanta and including former SNCC activists, Muslim and non-Muslim, younger and not-so-young, flew banners of Imam Jamil and Mumia Abu-Jamal and live-streamed Facebook reports around the country. The FBI has admitted in over 44,000 pages, so far, that it has hounded Imam Jamil (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) for more than 40 years - for speaking out against the oppression faced by Black & other peoples inside and outside the United States.
The legal aspect of the Campaign to Free Imam Jamil is multi-level. It challenges, at the U.S. federal level, the trampling upon Imam Jamil’s 5th & 6th Amendments. At the state level, the challenge is to the State of Georgia’s factual, circumstantial contradictions, the withholding of evidence, manipulations, pressure tactics and outright lies.
More fundamental than civil or constitutional rights are HUMAN RIGHTS. The United States is guilty of violating Imam Jamil’s Human Rights. El Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz (Malcolm X) warned that the U.S. must be taken to the World Court.
IJAN Update -- May 2019
IJAN Update -- May 2019
56 FORSYTH ST., Atlanta, GA
(updated location)
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled Oral Arguments Friday, May 3, 9am at the Federal Appeals Building, in Atlanta, in Imam Jamil Al-Amin federal appeal case that he has been fighting for 17 years.

The FBI has admitted in over 44,000 pages, so far, that it has hounded Imam Jamil (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) for more than 40 years - for speaking out against the oppression faced by Black & other peoples inside and outside the United States.
The legal aspect of the Campaign to Free Imam Jamil is multi-level. It challenges, at the U.S. federal level, the trampling upon Imam Jamil’s 1st Amendment rights to speak and write. At the state level, the challenge is to the State of Georgia’s factual, circumstantial contradictions, the withholding of evidence, manipulations, pressure tactics and outright lies. More fundamental than civil or constitutional rights are HUMAN RIGHTS. The United States is guilty of violating Imam Jamil’s Human Rights. El Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz (Malcolm X) warned that the U.S. must be taken to the World Court.
IJAN Update -- January 2019
IJAN Update -- January 2019
Sign the Gag Order Petition
Iman Jamil al-Amin (f/k/a H. Rap Brown) has been hounded for more than 50 years for his ability to Speak Truth to the wrong, oppression and injustice suffered by humanity; especially the millions of descendants of the African Slave Trade in the US -- the economic foundation of this country. Since the false charges in 2000, he has been denied his human & civil right to speak.

Imam Jamil's character & principled life is a Light for Justice -- for All the oppressed: Enjoining the Good, Opposing all Wrong. He is a link between the Black community & the Muslim community and the link of Justice for All Humanity. He stands for unity of the entire Muslim community! He, like many other Freedom Fights from the 1960s, has been hounded ever since -- from the US government's COINTELPRO attacks then to their continues languishing in US prisons today. Imam Jamil has spent all his adult life standing for human good and against oppression; From building Unity between street organizations at Peace Summits across the country, to peace in West End Atlanta; Speaking Truth to Power from Alabama, and in the global arena, his life embodies Malcom X: "I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against."
SIGN THE PETITION: kundnani.org/imam