Support HR-2998: Release the COINTELPRO Papers

and Martin Luther King Jr:
Final Report of the Select
Committee To Study
Governmental Operations
With Respect to Intelligence
(Church Committee)
The FBI’s COINTELPRO remains one of the darkest chapters in our nation’s history. For decades, the FBI carried out covert actions and dirty tricks against social movements. COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) included among the program’s many targets, organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the anti-Vietnam War movement, and individuals such as Martin Luther King, Jr, as well as local, state, and federal elected officials.
There’s a bill in Congress that will open up the FBI’s files. HR 2998 would require full, public release of the FBI’s COINTELPRO files. This historic bill is an important step to reconciling with the FBI’s continued legacy of undemocratic abuses of power.
Please help us make history and expose FBI dirty tricks. Please write your member of Congress today to ask them to support this bill and to support efforts to broaden it to cover the full scope of FBI files.
Email Script:
“I am a constituent. I want my representative to support HR 2998 that will require full, public release of the FBI’s COINTELPRO files and to support efforts to broaden it to cover the full scope of FBI files records subject to disclosure. This historic bill is an important step to reconciling with the FBI’s continued legacy of undemocratic abuses of power.”
Calling script:
“I am a constituent. I want my representative to support HR 2998 that will require full, public release of the FBI’s COINTELPRO files and to support efforts to broaden it to cover the full scope of FBI files records subject to disclosure.”