IJAN Update -- June 2019
IJAN Update -- June 2019
We Packed The Courtroom
Supporters of Imam Jamil Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) and journalists packed the courtroom of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals as it heard Oral Arguments Friday, May 3, in Atlanta. This was Imam Jamil ‘s federal appeal case that he has been fighting for 17 years.

Several courts in the U.S. judicial system have admitted that Imam Jamil’s so-called Constitutional Rights (5th & 6th amendments) WERE VIOLATED, BUT that it was harmless because of evidence against him. Outside the courthouse afterwards, supporters, many from outside Atlanta and including former SNCC activists, Muslim and non-Muslim, younger and not-so-young, flew banners of Imam Jamil and Mumia Abu-Jamal and live-streamed Facebook reports around the country. The FBI has admitted in over 44,000 pages, so far, that it has hounded Imam Jamil (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) for more than 40 years - for speaking out against the oppression faced by Black & other peoples inside and outside the United States.
The legal aspect of the Campaign to Free Imam Jamil is multi-level. It challenges, at the U.S. federal level, the trampling upon Imam Jamil’s 5th & 6th Amendments. At the state level, the challenge is to the State of Georgia’s factual, circumstantial contradictions, the withholding of evidence, manipulations, pressure tactics and outright lies.
More fundamental than civil or constitutional rights are HUMAN RIGHTS. The United States is guilty of violating Imam Jamil’s Human Rights. El Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz (Malcolm X) warned that the U.S. must be taken to the World Court.
Sign The Gag Order Petition: “Its A Government Conspiracy”
Imam Jamil has been hounded for over 40 years for his ability to speak to the wrong; against oppression and injustice inflicted upon humanity, especially the millions of descendants of the African Slave Trade - that built this country. He has been denied his human and civil rights to speak. During his trial, the judge placed a Gag Order against him speaking. After the wrongful conviction, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons has refused to allow academics and journalists to interview him. Imam Jamil’s character and principled life is a Light for All Oppressed. He is a Link between the Freedom Fighters of the 1960s to those of today; a Unifying Link of Justice, between the Black and the Muslim Communities. Speaking Truth to Power. This is why the U.S. has Gagged his most powerful weapon.
END The Gag Order. Sign The Petition kundnani.org/imam Jamil
Execution By Medical Neglect
While finally being in population and fresher air and better food, Imam Jamil continues to face and fight several health issues, given the Bureau of Prisons’ apparent policy tool against political prisoners:
Execution By Medical Neglect.
Show Your Support! Keep Sending Greeting Cards to Imam Jamil!
JAMIL AL-AMIN; #99974-555
USP Tucson -- U.S. Penitentiary
P.O.Box 24550; Tucson, AZ 85734